We support renewable energy generation plants in the new and old subsidy systems as well as outside the Polish subsidy system.
Our services
On which markets do we trade electricity ?

We sell the electricity our customers generate in their plants on the Polish energy exchange TGE S.A. within the framework of the day-ahead, intraday SIDC (XBID) and futures market (OTF). As a group, we also have access to EPEX SPOT and EEX.
What roles do we play in the electricity market?
We act on the electricity market as an electricity supplier, balancing group manager and market operator (Operator Rynku Handlowo-Technicznego).
Within the scope of our balancing group, we balance the electricity procured from and delivered to our customers.

What services are included in our direct marketing contracts?

As part of our direct commercialization contracts, we offer:
- Feed-in forecasts from our customers’ plants, with these forecasts continuously adjusted to reflect changes in meteorological forecasts or information about generation interruptions,
- the sale of the forecast feed-in quantities on the electricity exchange,
- schedule and balancing group management in our WIRE system,
- balancing energy settlement with PSE S.A., we are ready to assume the entire risk of balancing energy costs for your plants,
- REMIT reporting,
- preparation of monthly settlement documents, on the basis of which the invoices for direct marketing are prepared,
- on request: settlement of the negative balance with the settlement administrator (Zarządca Rozliczeń) for the installations within the auction system,
- daily reporting on the market price developments.
Our contract conditions
At what prices do we compensate you for your electricity feed-in?
We are always open to flexible solutions.
Basic variants for the settlement of direct marketing:
- Settlement at variable prices – day-ahead market (FIX1, TGeBASE)
- Settlement at fixed prices
- Mix of variable and fixed prices.
What contract periods do we offer our direct marketing customers?
We are flexible regarding the duration of our direct marketing contracts.
Typically these are:
- 1 – 3 years
- 5-10-15 years (see long term PPAs)